Six Essential Qualities of a Great Search Committee Chair
by Leandro A. Zaneti
Finding the right leader for your organization is a critical task that will significantly impact its future. When preparing for an upcoming search, forming a search committee who will be responsible for recommending the perfect candidate to the board plays a pivotal role in the process. At the heart of every successful search committee is a competent and capable chairperson. The search committee chair sets the tone, guides the team, and ensures a smooth and effective process. So often in our work, we come into the process after a chair has been appointed. As prepare for your next executive search, here are six important qualities to consider when selecting the ideal search committee chair:
Deep Understanding of the Organization:
The search committee chair should have a profound understanding of the organization's culture, values, and goals. A chair who comprehends the unique challenges and opportunities faced by the organization will be better equipped to align the search committee to identify candidates who can pursue and uplift the organization’s vision. A chairperson who is genuinely passionate about the organization's mission will bring enthusiasm and dedication to the search process.
Eagerness for the Next Chapter:
A search committee chair has to have a genuine excitement for the organization's future and the potential impact of the new leader. This eagerness ensures that the search process is seen as an opportunity for positive change and progress, rather than a mere administrative task. A chair who is energized by the prospect of bringing in new leadership will inspire the committee and infuse the process with enthusiasm and optimism.
Understanding and Analysis of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI):
In today's increasingly diverse and interconnected world, EDI is a critical consideration for any organization. A search committee chair with a strong understanding of and commitment to EDI will ensure that diversity and inclusivity are prioritized throughout the hiring process. A chairperson well-versed in EDI will foster an environment where all committee members feel comfortable discussing the importance of diversity and its impact on the organization's success.
Organizational Skills:
The chairperson should be a master at managing timelines, coordinating meetings, and keeping the process on track. This individual must be capable of breaking down the search process into actionable steps and setting realistic deadlines. A consulting company will help the chairperson keep the process moving, but it is crucial that a chairperson have exceptional organizational skills. An organized chair ensures that all committee members are informed and engaged throughout the search, keeping everyone aligned towards the shared goal of finding the best candidate.
Influence and Trustworthiness:
A search committee chair should be someone who has earned respect and built strong relationships within the organization. It is essential that the chairperson is influential among the board, staff, and other stakeholders. This level of influence fosters trust and ensures that the committee's decisions are embraced by all. An influential chair can also effectively navigate any potential conflicts or disagreements that may arise during the selection process, leading to a cohesive and united committee.
Availability and Commitment:
Selecting the right candidate for a key leadership position is a time-intensive process. It is vital to choose a chair who has the availability and commitment to dedicate themselves to the task at hand. The chairperson must be able to allocate sufficient time to manage the search committee and strategize with consultants (if you have one) in addition to reviewing candidate profiles, conducting interviews, and participating in discussions. There is a lot of unseen work that search committee chairs do outside of meetings. Their active involvement and consistent presence throughout the process are crucial to its success.
Selecting the right search committee chair is a critical step in finding the perfect candidate for your organization's leadership position. Investing time and consideration into choosing the right chair will set the stage for a collaborative, efficient, and impactful search process that leads to the selection of a dynamic and visionary leader.